Logo Felix Boehm - Marketing Automation Specialist
Automation Geek

My obsession with omnichannel campaigns became real when I realized the endless possibilities that come with it. From customer lifecycle campaigns to promotional marketing messages - I love them all.

Digital Nomade

I grew up in Germany, studied in the Netherlands, lived in - and traveled around - Southeast Asia. I love to do a deepdive into countries and cultures. Right now I am living in Bogotá, Colombia, but this will not be my last stop!


I want to help to make the world carbon-neutral place. Sustainability is a crucial factor for me to save our planet. I am helping purpose-driven companies to get out their message in order to thrive.


“Felix has an incredible range of knowledge across all digital marketing parts including CRO, SEO, performance marketing, and of course CRM.”

Salvador Zepeda - CEO Autolab
Salvador Zepeda CEO at Autolab

“Working with Felix is always inspiring. He comes up with new ideas every time and implements them in no time!”

Luis Castillo - COO at Polymath Ventures
Luis Castillo COO at Polymath Ventures

“In the few months I led Felix, I found an eager, technical, scalability-minded guy, passionate about his work and automation. Highly recommend him.”

Roman Hudghes - Head of CRM at Rappi
Roman Hughes Head of CRM at Rappi

“I remember testing the hell out of every campaign when I worked with Felix at Lidl. His work was always reliable and I knew I can count on him.”

Christina Peters - Senior CRM Consultant at Lidl Digital
Christina Peters Senior CRM Consulant at Lidl Digital